Page 4 - Portafolio EnglishMariaedith 2024
P. 4

About me

       I am HBO educated as a Na-
       turopathic Doctor (6 years

       of education) and in  TCM
       (Traditional Chinese Medi-
       cine). I did my internships
       in hospitals in China. I have

       expanded my knowledge
       by following the training
       Japanese Acupuncture, the
       internships I did with Japa-

       nese teachers in several
       countries in Europe.  I also             was trained as a tea-               it already has come to
       followed the basic training              cher for this in Los An-            that, then I  like  to
       in regular medicine (Ci-                 geles Ca. I also provi-             help  restore the ba-

       pion). In addition, I took the           de  and  coordinate                 lance. You         should
       special training Mindful-                various Health Works-               then not only think of
       ness in Acupressure and I                hops.                               physical issues, but
                                                                                    also  of the  balance
                                                It is my passion that               between Mental and
                                                people become more                  Physical.
                                                k no wledgeable
                                                about the functio-                  If something is not

       ACUPRESSURE                              ning of their own                   right mentally, this
                                                bodies. When  you                   often manifests itself

       CHINESE ACUPUNCTURE                      know how your body                  in physical comp-
                                                works, you also know                laints. If something is

       JAPANESE ACUPUNCTURE                     faster when some-                   not right physically, it
                                                thing is not going                  usually         manifests

       MASSAGES                                 right. I help people to             itself in mental com-
                                                prevent         it     from         laints.

       JIN SHIN DO                              coming to that. But if

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