Page 8 - Portafolio EnglishMariaedith 2024
P. 8
Practice for naturopathy and traditional
Chinese medicine
During the course of the year are organized the following events:
• Make from your food your own medicine During these twenty years, I have been continually acquiring
skills in di erent types of massages to the point of having
All, absolutely everything that we are and what surrounds us developed my own way of massage. Due to the comments of
is there to help us maintain balance in our being. many people and very grateful for this, I have decided to
transmit this knowledge to you.
Unfortunately the knowledge and wisdom to use these gifts,
have been blurring through the centuries, we have been Allow me to pass on this knowledge also to you.
ignoring them gradually. But they are there, dormant, waiting
to be again discovered and used for our well-being. • Meditation
My mission for these workshops is to bring back to your Meditation usually refers to the idea that we must be sitting,
memory these memories so pleasant and so valuable to our quiet, no noise, with lighted candles, and listening to soft
existence. Yes, because what we have done is to forget them, music for example.
they always have been there waiting to be recognized.
In these new times, we are increasingly waking up to the
• Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine reality of nding us meditating in moments in which we must
not necessarily meet all of these requirements.
Chinese Medicine has never be only a summary of techni-
ques or formulas. She has been always characterized by being Through long years in these countries far and originally
in relation to the all great, Hollistic. Thoughts and philoso- foreign to me, I have had the happy opportunity to learn and
phies of the reality and the truth. Models of thinking about develop di erent kinds of techniques of meditation.
what is the knowledge of nature and what it represents, are
used together with research of the human body and its While I was learning these methods I also understood that the
functioning. most important thing for human beings is trying by all means,
to be in harmony with their environment, balancing their
From this point of view are formulated thoughts and strate- polarities and therefore avoid as far as possible that they are
gies to in uence the Qi (energy that runs throughout the exceeded or su er a detriment (these polarities are known as
body and that when this is not balanced (healthy) means in Yin and Yang in Chinese philosophy). When this happens, the
this philosophy that the Qi is obstructed and cannot ow system loses its dynamism and energy (Qi) is blocking on its
freely). The two basic concepts of this philosophy Yin and journey through the body.
Yang play an important role.
My goal during the workshops is to teach accordingly to
These courses are introduction to all the basic rules of this achieve the optimal balance of being. My methods of medi-
philosophy, are interactive with practical examples. tation are not actually a conventional system, but a series of
situations created to nd this balance in our system.
• Massage
While sharing these knowledge during the workshops, I have
The relaxing and therapeutic e ect of a massage is intimately found that people nd these new forms of meditation
related to the need to move away from our body tensions and pleasant and are each time more open to this kind of new
stress that we daily accumulate. ideas.
• Qi Gong (see Qi Gong)